Thank You

Thank You

For years I toyed with the idea of starting a blog. There was always an excuse not to start…not enough time, the idea that no one would ever read it or the idea of “holy crap” I just should not let the world hear what goes on inside my brain (realistic fear of scaring the people who know and love me…I probably scare them on the daily anyway).

After recently listening to a podcast on the power of “saying thank you” and learning about the impact of gratitude, I felt an overwhelming desire to go out and thank everyone who had gotten me where I am today. But as the podcast had told me, there just isn’t enough time in the day to thank every person who impacts our lives…the person who holds the door open for you to avoid spilling your morning cup (we all know how important that first cup is), the professor that drives you crazy but winds up making you a better professional and a better person, the jobs that test your patience but make you stronger, the family members who tell you everything is okay even when you feel quite differently, and the people who make you laugh and smile on your best & worst days…I could go on for a long time & I’m grateful for that.

At just 23 years young, I feel that my life has been impacted by so many people, both in personal and professional manners, in casual and long-term relationships, people who I might never see again or may see every day for the rest of my life. It’s time to take their advice to get this damn thing going already.

I am really excited to finally be sitting here in a coffee shop in Long Island City writing this first post. To those who may be following along…thank you. Most importantly…thank you to the people who got me to finally sit down and start (you know who you are).

Do me a favor…and thank someone today that has made you feel important.



SHOUT OUT to The Mill Coffeehouse in Long Island City for this sick Almond Milk Latte.

SHOUT OUT to The Mill Coffeehouse in Long Island City for this sick Almond Milk Latte.

Appreciate Your Interns

Appreciate Your Interns