Small Business Internship Opportunities

Small Business Internship Opportunities

As students and new professionals, most of us are dying to break into big, Fortune 500 companies. We want the experience of working with the teams, the name to splash across the top of our resumes, and c’mon, we want to tell people how “awesome” work is.

All throughout my Undergraduate and Graduate school years, I was constantly applying for big companies with well-known internship programs. The competition, the long and sometimes rigorous interview processes, and the possibility of rejection were exhausting, to say the least. There was always a sense of disappointment not “making it big.”

It didn’t take me long to realize that the small business internship opportunities I had the chance to experience, would be incredible, life-changing opportunities.

Small businesses offer big opportunities.

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  1. Small businesses are more willing to give you responsibility.

    In big companies, you may get lost in the crowd, where in smaller environments they are looking for more hands on deck for the small and big tasks. If you are eager to learn and be involved in the real day-to-day activities of a business, a small business environment may be right for you.

  2. Small business environments give you access to ALL of your co-workers and supervisors.

    One of the highlights of any internship, is getting to know and work with new co-workers and supervisors. Small businesses give you first-hand access to all levels of the organization, all who have advice, experience, and projects to share with you. This environment will teach you how to grow into other roles in the future. This is a great opportunity to ask your co-workers for career advice, for more work or different projects, and to give your own opinion and input to different discussions. Do NOT be shy.

  3. Your Role Will Tell a Story on Your Resume & In Interviews.

    Going into an interview and explaining all of the different roles you have experienced in a small business at the beginning of your career is IMPRESSIVE. This shows your future potential employer that you can handle responsibility, multi-tasking, and have experience in diverse roles and projects. Don’t be shy to talk about the different projects, departments, and responsibilities you were exposed to.

  4. Small business environments can foster positive work-life.

    When you work in a smaller environment with the same people on a lot of your projects, this can foster great work relationships and work-life overall. You may even start singing duets with the person sitting behind you, or challenge your office-mates to a contest to see who can make the most “bedazzled” time sheet ( I never won).

  5. Small businesses appreciate your time & involvement.

    In my experiences, working in small environments has made me feel appreciated and valued, even as a young professional. Your supervisors will get to know you, see you progress and add value to the organization, and will express their gratitude. This is another way these internships foster great work relationships and work-life. Through experiences like this, I have gained the greatest mentors, who have helped me through some of my own recent professional and academic obstacle courses.

Every professional should work and learn in a small business environment at some point in their careers. Skills in these environments can be transferred to larger organizations. You may try it and never go back to the big corporate world after all.

What is your favorite local small business?




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