Being a Full-Time Student & a Full-Time Person is HARD

Being a Full-Time Student & a Full-Time Person is HARD

Whether you are an Undergraduate or Graduate student, being a full-time student while maintaining everything outside of classrooms, papers and projects is not easy. You are constantly under the pressure of meeting deadlines and being on time, with the added anxiety of trying to be social, seeing family, maintaining a relationship, doing things you enjoy and maybe even going to the gym (I said maybe). Don’t stress…you can do it.

It is possible to do both & here’s how:

  1. Stay Organized.

    Easier said than done, am I right? This will probably be my most cliche piece of advice on this post. But I say it, because it does make a difference. Getting as much of your school & work responsibilities done during the week allows you to free up your weekend time. Rest up, have a drink, see some friends, go on a date…go crazy! Having this free weekend time will help you restore for the next week of chaos.

2. Never Apologize for Your Lack of Availability.

Some people will not get it, and that is okay. When you are on a different schedule and going at a different pace than the people around you, it can be difficult to navigate other obligations and relationships. You are doing what you are doing for a reason. Never apologize for working hard or being overwhelmed by life. Which leads me to my next point…

3. Surround Yourself With People Who Get It.

People who know you well and care about you will understand how you feel, and will most importantly understand the place you are in. Good friends and supportive family will know that you are under a lot of stress and will support you and cheer you on. I am very lucky to have the support team that I have in my life…who listen to me vent and complain, and tell me they are proud of me. These people will help you cross the finish line even when you feel like it’s a marathon’s length away.

4. Separate Your School & Home Lives.

Because you are a full-time student and might be working on the side, too, your school and work matters might follow you home. Leave time at home for doing things that are relaxing and stress-relieving for you. Stop thinking about that paper, that horrible team project you have been pushing off or that big work assignment you haven’t finished yet...just for a while.

5. Know Your Limits.

Don’t over-commit. You want to be there for everyone, but still need to take care of your own responsibilities. Know how much time you need, and how much you have to give. Don’t take on too much. It is OKAY to say “no” sometimes (I should take my own advice on this one).

6. Remind Yourself Why You Are Doing…What You Are Doing.

Being a student is a big decision. It is time consuming, stressful, and long-term. Once you finish this long, winding, bumpy road…it will be an accomplishment. Think of the day they will hand you that diploma…it will be a GOOD day (I’ve had this day marked in my planner for a while now).


Sometimes we all need a bowl (or pint) of ice cream, a glass (or two) of wine, and a hug (or a good cry). Don’t stop yourself from enjoying the time you to have to have some fun, laugh a little and celebrate how far you have come already.

Look for that finish line…it will come before you know it.




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