5 Things My Dad Taught Me

5 Things My Dad Taught Me


Anyone who knows my Dad, knows how fitting it is that his birthday falls on Valentine’s Day. It is no coincidence that the guy with the biggest heart gets to be celebrated on a day all about love. While my Dad has taught me more than I can truly fit into a blog post, I wanted to celebrate him in a special way this year.

This one is for you, man.

5 Things My Dad Taught Me

1.       Your Weaknesses Do Not Define You


When I was younger and played on a bunch of different sports teams, my Dad would always say, “remember you’re smaller than everyone…but you can run so much faster than everyone else.” After a few years I would say, “Okay Dad, I know, I’m short.” This little saying that he would say on the sidelines of every basketball game and soccer game, is something I have held close to me to this day. My weaknesses in every facet of my life, were my secret weapons, and did not prevent me from setting or reaching any goal. Coach Ruggles did good. On another note, you could always hear him cheering from the sidelines, “Pass it down Sabina, Go Sabina, WOOOOO,” so even if I was scared for even a second, I always had someone cheering me on and I still do. This encouragement did not stop at the sidelines of the games. He is still our favorite guy on the sideline of everything we do. 

We could ALWAYS count on him for extra support.

We could ALWAYS count on him for extra support.

2.       “Carpe Diem”


This was another famous Dad quote from the Dead Poet’s Society, which means “seize the day.” Every presentation, test, interview…even an ordinary morning before we parted ways for work or school, my Dad says, “carpe diem.” He taught me that every day is a good day to have a great day, so seize it. The follow-up “carpe diem” texts before an important moment always gives me the extra “umph” I need to give it my all. He has supported us through every dream and new chapter.


3.       “Can Do”

I just realized my Dad should probably write an inspirational book, considering the number of quotes he has told us throughout our lives in the Ruggles house. Dad is famous in our house for the thumbs-up “can do” expressions. He always remembers when we have things coming up, and never lets us hesitate on our ability to be anything short of great. He believes in us, so we believe in us.


4.       Appreciate the Family & Friends In Your Life Always

My Dad always tells us stories about his family, my Mom’s family, and all of his friends throughout the years. He always said that the people in his life, made him happy. My favorite are the stories about him and my Mom’s mothers, his college friends, and all the little people who impacted him. We know him as the guy that goes out of the way for everyone. But through all of his life experiences, he’s shown us just how important it is to appreciate people, take care of people, and to do things for others. He does so much for other people, and that inspires me every day. He has done this for more people than I can count. 

5.       Appreciate the Little Things


During the last visit we had with my Grandpa in the nursing home a few weeks ago, I sat next to him and stared up at his dresser full of cookies and treats. I could not help but smile at this table of goodies, and how this simple stack of snacks reminded me so much of my Dad and how similar the two of them are. The simplest things, like cookies and snacks, made them so happy. It seems so silly, but it made me think just how much they resembled each other, and just how much my Grandpa had taught my Dad to appreciate little things, as my Dad has showed us. You don’t need a lot to be happy, and sometimes those little things in life like trips to the diner, secret desserts hidden from mom, and a thumbs up…are everything. Thanks to Grandpa for teaching my Dad to show us this, and to Dad for instilling this into our lives.  

Bonus 5


We laugh a lot in the Ruggles house, to say the least. So, it is only fitting, to add in these 5 very important things my Dad has also taught us along the way.

1.       Despite popular belief, cars do not fill themselves up with gas on their own. You must go to the gas station and fill them up yourself (Unless your Dad beats you to it for the 100th time in a row).

2.       The diner is the best and only place to celebrate important life events, vent about crappy days, and get the best damn burger deluxe of your life. Pro Tip Brought to You by Shelly: Always ask for extra coleslaw and pickles.

3.       There is no real limit to the number of times you can watch a movie. NO LIMIT. It is actually encouraged to memorize the words so that you can speak along with the characters.


4.       Paper maps are actually quite more effective than Google Maps, Waze, or any form of electronic driving instruction. I never said we ALWAYS agree.

5. Every day is a good day to laugh with the people you love.

Happy Birthday, Dad…to many more diner burgers, coffees, rainbow cookies, and laughs.  

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