I Gave Up My Favorite Thing in the Process of Becoming an "Adult"

I Gave Up My Favorite Thing in the Process of Becoming an "Adult"

Some of the common interview questions I have been asked include:

How did you get involved in Marketing?
When did your interest in Business start? 
Are you comfortable presenting in front of people and working in teams regularly?

I am always ready for these questions, with what seems like a really tailored answered, but really is the truth. I always loved working with people, and felt a sense of excitement and drive to present in front of people at a young age. This all started with music.

Growing up in a musical family (Dad practically bought every musical instrument that existed), being involved in elementary school plays and chorus, and high school musicals (not the Disney specials, unfortunately), a capella (did anyone else not know this was two words) and chorus, and professional shower singing, of course…music and performing was where I gained confidence and comfort in front of an audience. I had no idea that the days of the Wizard of Oz, Christmas A Capella performances at our local town events, Footloose, and the family of a chorus or band would have such an impact on me years later.

I looked forward to lunch periods singing with friends in an empty auditorium during high school. Anyone in music knows that the acoustics of an empty auditorium were a dream. We sang like no one was watching or listening (because no one was) and just had so much fun with it. Singing and working with this group showed me the value of working with people, growing as a group, and learning how to get better individually. At some point, we all had the comfort and confidence to do something outside of the norm, whether it was a nice strong belt, a high note, or a crazy harmony. We made each other better with practice and support, much like how a team in a business environment will try new things, support new ideas, and work to make the team as whole stronger.

It didn’t stop here.

My sister really pissed me off when I was in 9th grade. See, she was graduating high school that year and wanted to go out with a “big bang” at the talent show (and I was REALLY not feeling it). We sang “Mustang Sally” and kicked over chairs on the stage…some rebellious high -schoolers we were. What a high, though. Each year after that I could not wait to get back up on stage to sing, and of course, kick over a few chairs. We loved the stage, and still do in both our Business/Marketing and Music Education careers. I thank her to this day for encouraging me to get up on that stage with her.

Outside of school and the classrooms and groups that made me love music so much, I was surrounded by friends who loved music just as much as I did. We went to see our friends play as a band, and even loved sitting in someone’s kitchen playing our favorite four songs. Music brought us together for many years. While a kitchen filled with high schoolers and a probably out-of-tune guitar was no Carneige Hall stage, this interest and passion made us all outgoing and confident in our own ways.

Where am I going with this? How many of you have abandoned a talent, interest or passion in the pursuit of some adult-like job or responsibility? Did you stop painting or playing your favorite sport? Did you give it up because you think it is just not that important anymore or because you feel as if there just is not enough time in the day?

I’m kicking myself today. Because music was such a big part of becoming who I am, both in personal and professional ways. My personality, outgoing nature, and dedication to “practice, practice, practice” started with music. I think that for many people, our passions and interests for a future career or role springs from early interests, even if we do not realize it. We get so caught up in life, that we forget the things that got us to our places…wherever they may be.

Although I never make or stick to any kind of New Year’s Resoltuion, I am really hoping to get back to my roots, by getting back to my piano and singing more often…I recommend you join me by getting that guitar out of the attic, picking up a paint brush, or calling up some old sports’ buddies.

While my marketing roles may not involve the fun of finding the perfect harmonies, I will still keep this passion and the skills I learned from it close to my heart…plus I still sing in the shower and hum to my headphones at work regularly.

It is never too late to go back to your roots. It might just be that spark your are missing right now at your current job.

How did your early interests and passions influence your careers and goals?




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