Is “Influencer Marketing” Influencing Your Brand

Is “Influencer Marketing” Influencing Your Brand

Influencer Marketing is one of the most popular modern forms of marketing today. Engaging those who create “influence” on users who read and follow their pages and content, these individuals can help brands spread awareness of their values and products, identify and relate with consumers in their target market, while also creating a more personal appeal in comparison to more traditional and automated forms of marketing.

The evolution of social media by all age groups has revolutionized the opportunities all individuals have to promote and endorse different companies, products and even causes. Working in marketing myself, I have seen not just how valuable social media platforms are to brands, but how valuable the people talking about your brand are to building a brand. This includes both the individuals you are investing in [influencers] and customers talking about their experiences.

Influencer Marketing can include individuals who are celebrities (Kim Kardashain, Cristiano Ronaldo, etc.) or other individuals who have gathered large audiences or followings usually through various social media platforms. Influencers can add value to your brand in a number of ways, and are usually utilized for regular social media posts (Instagram Facebook, Twitter, YouTube). By posting “how-to” videos, photos of events or different ways to use products, or tweeting about benefits or hacks of different brands, influencers create unique representations and perceptions of these brands.

Just because Influencer Marketing is one of the newest and more fun forms of marketing today, it does not mean the fit is always right for your brand. Influencer Marketing is great for many industries including Cosmetics and Fashion, Food & Beverage Products, various Consumer Goods and others whose products would benefit from demonstration. This can expand to companies who hold events, have products or services that need explanation, or for brands trying to create a “persona” for the kinds of consumers they are targeting. Influencers should be chosen carefully, as they are a representation of the brand. Whether you are choosing an individual with a large following or a famous celebrity, make sure that this person’s values and image match those of your brand and the messages you are trying to portray.

Developing brand “personas” through your influencers is a great way for prospective customers to identify with your brand, encouraging them to follow your brand and try new products. This is a way for consumers to relate to people using products in their own unique ways. Through the various “personas” portrayed by influencers, brands are explained and portrayed in unique and genuine ways (for the most part). Depending on your brand, industry and campaign goals, deciding between a celebrity and an online influencer is a big decision. Celebrities create great influence, but individuals outside of fortune and fame may give you a more genuine message and impact. Again, this approach creates a much less-intrusive way to talk to consumers about the benefits of various products.

Here are some of my own favorite ways influencers can create great customer experiences:


The Cosmetics Industry has so many opportunities to use influencers to spread brand awareness. Makeup tutorials, special occasion makeup demonstrations, daily looks…the opportunities are endless. Using diverse influencers is a great way to attract a diverse audience and to communicate that the brand is fit for many different styles or for specific targetted styles or consumers.


The Fashion Industry also has an incredible amount of opportunities to use influencers. Similarly to how Cosmetics can show different styles and uses for occassions, fashion brands can use diverse influencers to show styles, how clothes are paired, and various occassions the brands are suited for. Cosmetic brands and Fashion brands often utilize influencers who are celebrities or who have a very large following. Influencers like this have the ability to create the “I want to look and dress like _______” effect. Popular influencers wearing brands and using certain makeup brands can have a big influence on their followers.

Food! My Favorite!

Especially in a day and age where healthy eating, meal prep, and specialized diets are trending, more and more consumers are looking to social media to be inspired for new recipes and food brands to try. This is a great opportunity for food brands, food delivery services, and meal services to leverage influencers who can speak personally on experiences with the products. This allows influencers who are gluten-free, vegetarian/vegan, dairy-free, etc. to really relate to consumers looking for guidance. I am always scrolling for new recipes, and know this is a popular posting topic.


This category can include vacations, special destination or travel spots, airlines, concerts, and more. The power of persuasion, AKA that extra push every consumer needs to push the “Add to Cart” or “Purchase Tickets Now” buttons, is to see the benefits of the offer itself…the experience. Companies can tell you how great their cruise experience is, but for someone who actually had the experience to tell you and show you all the great things they did, is that extra push that leads to purchases. This category is not limited to experience-based companies and brands. It is actually a great place for other industries to show the “experience factor” that their brand has to offer. By buying my makeup, my clothes, my meals, etc…you are part of a particular experience.

Brands Aiming to Gain Public Attention, Spread Knowledge or Awareness, or Inspire

This is personally my favorite end of Influencer Marketing. Individuals brave enough to represent causes or initiatives through social media can create a tremendous impact. Many non-profits have invested in influencers to share personal stories and causes with the public. It also does not hurt to have a celebrity endorser to gain attention for your cause.

The opportunities can and will go far beyond these categories in the future.

Marketing is constantly changing, expectations are rising…and new forms of Influencer Marketing could be a brand’s differentiator in any saturated industry.

Influencer Marketing has revolutionized a more personal and first-hand marketing experience for many companies and brands. Over the years I expect more companies to invest and develop these kinds of initiatives. The marketing and brand awareness capabilities are incredible, and the learning and research capabilities can be great, too.

Have you seen any brands utilizing influencers recently?



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