Yes, Trader Joe's is All the Hype

Yes, Trader Joe's is All the Hype

Growing up in a house with a Nutritionist, I got, what you could call, a well-rounded education in food. What to eat, what is good, what is the worst, what will keep me living longer and stronger, what is good for skin, what is bad for stress…you name it and I can probably pass on some information from the almighty Nutrition Goddess, Marie, my mother, herself. Shout-out to her though, because this education early on shaped how we ate, how we appreciated food, and well, always gave us something interesting to talk about at family parties and get togethers with friends.

From high school, to going away to college, to starting Grad school and full-time work life, I always loved looking for new and fun ways to incorporate healthy options into my diet. I would not say I am a picky eater (many would disagree), but I just tend to gravitate towards the same few options. I learned quickly, especially when I lived on my own, that healthy options were not always the cheapest, easiest to find with high quality and good flavor, and the overall diversity was a little bit boring. My mom was always a Trader-Joe’s-goer, but only recently did I really start going for myself & experiencing TJ & all of its glory.

  1. Prices, Prices, Prices

If you know me, you know I love a deal. I love that I can go into TJ and get a full week’s worth of groceries without breaking the bank. The prices are always decent, and this gives me the extra incentive to try something new every time that I go. I am also very passionate about the concept that EVERY person and family should be able to purchase good, quality foods. TJ prices definitely make it possible for a wide-range of incomes, whether that is individuals or households, to eat well and even have some fun with their food choices. TJ allows me to believe that I might be able to afford groceries when I officially move out.

2. Variety

Walking down a TJ aisle, you will undoubtedly see several items that you can’t find and won’t find anywhere else. TJ is known for its 100% private-label inventory, which goes through many rounds of taste tests before it actually hits the shelves. Not only is there a quality consistency, but an awesome variety of products with a nice quirky brand label and sometimes product name slapped across the box or container. The famous everything bagel seasoning, cauliflower pizza crust and gnocchi, gluten-free pumpkin pancake mix and the unique variety of various snacks, desserts and produce keeps me going back. While I stay away from cheese, I can even appreciate their 12-foot long display of cheeses…it is worth the trip just to see if you are a big cheese fan. If you are trying to eat well, looking for products within your food restrictions, looking for quick to-go or dinner items, or simply trying to change things up with something new...the variety at TJ is always changing and always interesting. TJ is very much a store where there is something for everyone.

3. Coffee

This is getting its own point because coffee is important. A few weeks ago I decided to switch over from a very bad and long-held habit of buying my morning cup of coffee EVERY DAY. And let me tell you…I have been trying to do this for a long time. I got a Chemex Coffee Maker for Christmas (best Christmas present, best coffee maker, also great kitchen decoration TBH). I was liking my coffee on the weekends, and enjoying not leaving on Saturday/Sunday to go stand on line for coffee, but the coffee was always missing a thing. I tried TJ’s Medium Roast Arabic Coffee Blend in early February…and it was like my years of searching for a perfect coffee had finally come to an end. My. Perfect. Cup. It is not too dark or light (hence its name, the Medium Roast perhaps), and it did not make me a jittery little bug sitting at my desk after a nice big morning cup. I am now 3-weeks strong on making my own morning coffee, I have saved approximately 30 dollars in coffee money AND have found my perfect coffee match (we’re going to have a great life together). I highly recommend just taking a walk past the coffee section…if you love the smell of coffee don’t be afraid to just sit there and sniff in all that goodness for a few.

4. The Experience

Many will say that TJ is an anxiety attack and a half, and yes, on a Saturday or Sunday you need to go in there with a mission and a coffee, because the crowd and the line is not for everyone. Sources (my mom who asked a TJ Associate) tell me, you have to fight the other shoppers for a few bags of the cauliflower gnocchi because people get aggressive. Besides these crazy weekend days, TJ can be a fun field trip for you and your significant other or friend. It sounds bizarre, but if you love food like I do, walking through the aisles looking for new foods to try, and finding new things you never thought you could find is fun. The workers themselves all have great personalities, and can bag your items like pros. I have never seen anyone in my life pack a bag so efficiently. You get in line thinking you need a forklift to get all your groceries home, but the person at the register can 100% get it packed securely in two-three bags…it is incredible. I almost don’t want to unpack it and ruin the beauty when I get home.

5. The Big Picture at TJ

TJ has always been a brand that interested me, from its attention to detail and ingredients, to its quirky and fun brand and products. Diving deeper into their corporate culture, I learned about their initiatives for operating in a sustainable way for the communities they support and exist in. The company site explains their dedication to great customer service and high quality products for every customer, new and loyal. However, they want to “go far beyond that and involve what we know best—food.” This includes a donation program for feeding the needy, and a long-term plan for reducing the waste from their stores and products. TJ currently offers fun reusable bags for customers, and is in the process of developing a completely biodegradable produce bag. 50% of their produce items today, are not held in plastic containers, and this is an initiative they plan to continue in the produce department and beyond. They even give everyone an extra incentive to bringing their own bags by entering customers into a raffle when they do bring their own. Their commitment to the environment has expanded to improving operations, where they have changed their light bulbs, refrigerators and other energy sources in stores to more efficient alternatives. TJ wants to be “Your Neighborhood Grocery Store,” and has done so successfully by sponsoring various community events and making food donations regularly. YOU GO, TJ!

For someone that grew up in a household where food was always fun, and even healthy, I completely appreciate the culture, offerings, and initiatives of Trader Joe’s. Great quality food, fun variety and packaging, some of my seasonal favorites, and a REALLY organized bag of groceries to take home to top it all off. Know when you buy your groceries here, you are supporting something much larger than just a grocery store, but a great superpower in affordable, quality, and environmentally-friendly grocery shopping.

I dare you to go into Trader Joe’s without a grocery list and an open mind…you will walk out with a cart full of fun.



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