Brew Trends: Beers for Everyone in  2019

Brew Trends: Beers for Everyone in 2019

The weather is FINALLY getting warmer, and I don’t know about you…but I am looking forward to a cold beer as I bask in the sun this weekend and summer. Hopefully I don’t distract you too much as you try and make it through this work day and week.


Just like so many other industries, the beer and alcohol industry as a whole are both very dynamic. The expectations and demands of the customer are always changing, and the product availability and range of product is constantly expanding. This gives the world’s biggest beer companies both opportunities and challenges to keep things interesting and unique. How can we make our options, cans, bottles, six-pack designs & commercials different and enticing…to maybe even attract someone who dislikes certain beverage types?

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At a global level, Anheuser-Busch and Heineken take the cake (or the keg) for the first and second biggest beer companies. The global beer market is projected to grow to $636.7 billion by 2020. That’s A LOT of beer, people. Both of these star brewing companies have become well-known for their distinct and wide range of beverage choices, new additions to the market each season, and unique marketing tactics to clearly distinguish the story and flavor along with the target market that each brand strategically targets. The brand portfolios of each continue to grow, with the customer in mind each step of the way.

You think you have seen every flavor and puppy commercial there is to see, but as we see at each Super Bowl, family graduation party, and on the shelves of local beer distributors, the options are endless and will continue to expand and surprise us. It is very possible, that there is a drink for just about everybody, but that won’t stop the beer superstars from further expansion. Let’s take a look at the most popular forecasts and trends for beer and alcoholic beverages in 2019. Feel free to grab a cold one…sip & enjoy (unless it is only the afternoon while you are reading this…than perhaps wait a bit). PSA: I am not responsible if you decide to start drinking at work.

  1. The Experience Factor


Did you notice that there are a lot of breweries popping up nearby? Research shows that millennials are ditching the bar/club scene to hang out and try local brews with friends (and maybe get a really delicious and locally-sourced snack on the side) at breweries. I love that this is happening because, first, I kind of hate clubs. But more importantly, small businesses with local roots, employment, and culture are thriving. There is an amazing social experience factor that comes with going to a brewery. The people are knowledgeable about the drinks, you have the chance to try something new, and you can ACTUALLY hear the people sitting next to you.

It is important to note that since 2011, both Anheuser-Busch and Heineken have both purchased breweries. They know and we know…that breweries are here to stay. For marketers, understand that you don’t have to buy a brewery to communicate an experience. There are a number of ways to show this in your advertising. This is why we often see friends, families, get-togethers and the like in alcohol-related commercials…how can you communicate the experience your beer comes with?

2. The Healthy Trend Is Spreading (C’mon, stay away from the beer.)

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What started as a major shift in eating and lifestyles, has now expanded to alcohol consumption and is changing consumer behavior in the category. This trend has encouraged companies to produce low or no-alcohol beverages, and other products with little or no sugar. According to a Forbes article from February of 2019, the “dry month challenges,” eagerness to stick to diets long-term, and the demand for “healthier” options in this category have all increased. You don’t have to break your diet or load your body with sugar and carbs for a drink anymore.

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This expansion includes new spiked seltzers, more options in non-alcoholic beverages and low-alcohol beverages, and what seems like a continuous initiative to offer this target market more options that closely resemble traditional alcoholic beverages. Anheuser-Busch saw this driving demand years ago, and even appointed a “Chief Non-Alcohol Beverages Officer.” Additionally, consumers are paying more attention to the ingredients of beverages. After a fierce corn syrup war (Rawr!) that started at the Super Bowl, brands are making bold statements to tell customers what is in their drinks, and what the brands are avoiding. I expect this segment to continue to grow with time, as the health trend continues to stick.

3. Women in Beer

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The use of women in alcohol-related commercials and advertising has been controversial for a long time. I can’t disagree that for a long time women were used to add a little “spice” to the ads, and maybe not always in the most respectful ways. However, over recent evaluation, I have to say that I think there has been a positive shift. I was sitting on my couch a few weeks ago, and was stunned to see Sarah Jessica Parker looking CLASSY as all hell sipping on a Stella Artois. Stella has also added Mindy Kaling, the famous female actress, to their ambassador portfolio. I am excited to see these positive changes in alcohol advertising. I am looking forward to seeing more women strutting across my TV screen with a cold one. If you think beer is a man’s drink…think again.

4. Beer Gives Back

Similarly to how almost every industry is expanding their corporate social responsibility and involvement with various initiatives beyond their companies, beer companies are doing the same. Branching from my last example, Mindy Kaling and Sarah Jessica Parker are a part of the Stella Artois/Anheuser-Busch “Pour it Forward” Campaign. The famous Stella chalices are being sold, to support the supply of clean water in less fortunate areas. “This creates a ripple effect: with access to clean water, women can care for their families, families can earn an income and pursue their dreams. That’s what we call Pouring it Forward.
Buy a Chalice. Give Water. Change Lives.” Beyond this project, Anheuser-Busch has always been known for its wide and diverse spread of initiatives, including an ongoing initiative to help build and support communities in need, environmental sustainability, and education in responsible drinking. “WE ARE BREWERS. BUT WE GO BEYOND BREWING. WE FIND PURPOSE IN BREWING.” Yes, this is awesome. You go, Anheuser-Busch.

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Heineken has also dedicated resources to a number of important initiatives. This includes a major focus on sustainability, where they have created long-term plans to reduce their CO2 emissions, to protect the natural resources they use in their products including water, while sourcing all products in more sustainable ways. Heineken has also focused on supporting the communities their company works and sources from.

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Both of these companies have great initiatives that are creating great impact at a worldwide level. Cheers to successful companies operating and creating impacts beyond themselves.

5. Options, Options, Options

What started as a pint of traditional beer (or pints), has expanded beyond what anyone could have predicted. The flavors, tastes, alcohol-content level, and even the idea of alcoholic beverages as a whole has evolved tremendously. I say that there is a drink for everyone, because each season I am more and more surprised with the new cans on the shelves, choices on the draft, and 6-pack a friend brings over for a night out. From beers including IPA’s and craft beer choices, to ciders and spiked seltzers…the growth is incredible. You can even get rosé in a can now, so I REST MY DAMN CASE.

The beverage industry has always interested me because of all of this. It is an industry that has grown in parallel with the interests and demands of the customer. From the health-conscious, to the sweet tooths, to your traditional beer drinkers…there continues to be something new for all of us to try and share.

So, I say again, grab a cold one & grab some good people…good beer, good people, good day.




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