Living a Life of Random Kindness

Living a Life of Random Kindness

I recently went to a new hair dresser, after a close friend recommended I go after years of, well, bad haircuts [no one understands my fro]. What I got from this visit was not just a great haircut [it takes a lot for me to say that after years of traumatizing cuts], but a strange and much needed perspective check.

This woman was so sweet. She told me her whole story, her challenges and passions, her aspirations, on both a professional and personal level. She was just one of those people you meet that are so nice, that make you want to go out and be a better person. So, you could say I got my money’s worth on this hair cut and blow out.

This one hour conversation really got me thinking about the impact we have on other people. How our expressions and comments, our presence and atttitude, and our small acts have a much greater impact on people than we can realize. If we all made just a small effort to express just an ounce more of kindness in every piece of our lives, we might be able to achieve this idea that “by changing just one person we are changing the world.” If my one hour hair cut can put me in a better place, than you can do it, too.

I sound like a mom on this blog, but I really am feeling the inspiration to just be better and maybe inspire someone else to be, too.

  1. Pick Your Head Up & Smile at People

    One of my biggest pet peeves is when people put their heads down when they see they are about to approach someone. Imagine you just gave a smile or hello in passing? First, you will be avoiding that awkward silent walk-by [which is only .5 seconds but feels like 4 minutes]. But just think, you could potentially be the only positive interaction that stranger has today. Just imagine how different NYC streets were, if we all smiled a little. Little things go a long way, part one.

  2. Encourage Others

    I think this is a big one and goes so far beyond waving or smiling at strangers. People seek encouragement and validation…reinforcement and a “whoo-girl,” if you will. It is so easy to compliment good work, dedication and success, and even just a fabulous outfit. External validation and encouragement goes such a long way. If you are encouraging a co-worker or congratulating them on a great job, complimenting a passerbyer on their outfit, or going up to a performer after a show to say “great job”…you are having a much greater impact than just one compliment or positive note. There is something powerful about living a life where you encourage the people around you and support others’ successes.

  3. Go Out Your Way for People

    I have realized more and more as I get older and busier [and more tired and lazy on a Friday night], that time flies. When you start working, and are still finishing classes, but still want to make time for people it can absolutely be hard. I think some people are even so busy in their lives to realize how busy they are. Making time for people and going out of your way to stay involved, connected, and actually caring about what your peeps are up to is so important. Even when you are tired and feel like being ugly in your basement on the couch, keep showing up for people and letting them know they are awesome.

  4. Always Say Thank You

    If you read my first post, you know that I’m such an advocate for going out of the way to say thank you. If you stop and think about all the people who have done something for you, all the big and small things, you would realize how many people you have to thank. Thank you’s go a long way and make people feel important and appreciated. Every person that has gotten you where you are today deserves a thank you.

  5. Do Something Beyond Yourself

    I recently attended a fundraiser for one of my previous jobs and was so excited to finally have the opportunity to support something that meant a lot to me. It got me thinking about how great it will be to have the ability to give back to initiatives and causes I care about at a greater level later in my life. I’m not telling the world this to have anyone think anything more of me, but to maybe open someone’s eyes to creating an impact beyond their own lives. We have been given a lot, we live well and we are blessed with so many things…things people may never see in their lives. Maybe make it a goal to save your change or get involved with an organization that is important to you. Even a few dollars can go a long way for so many organizations. According to my research, you can save approximately $35 in three weeks if you make your coffee at home…and that $35 can go a long way for someone or something else.

  6. Live a Kind Life

    I promised myself I would never touch on politics and society and government and I don’t think I’m about to, but I may be. We are surrounded by so much hate, dishonesty, and negativity. If we all just opened our minds slightly, accepted more easily, and lended a hand once in a while… we could change that. Little things, go a very long way.

Hopefully I didn’t go to deep and cliche on this post. But, I really did do some soul searching and thinking after this damn haircut. Be kind and have a great week!



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